Friday, December 28, 2012

When to Seek Gum Treatment from a Periodontist

Everybody knows and at least visited a dentist once in their lives. Some have developed this irrational fear of dentists making them scared of visiting the clinic. This kind of fear will lead to even bigger problems in the end because without a dentist, oral health will not be at its optimum. If the worst case scenario comes, a periodontist will be needed because then you would probably be in need of some kind of gum treatment to help you deal with the problem.
A periodontist is not just any other dentists- he is a specialist and is trained to perform a dental implant, cosmetic oral surgeries and any gum treatment that is necessary for the patient.

He has studied periodontics as a field of specialization after he has graduated and finished his Dental degree. A Periodontics specialist has studied and trained to help prevent periodontal diseases and treat it as well.
Signs that you are in need of a gum treatment from a periodontics specialist
Even if you are afraid of sitting in the dentist’s chair, you need to overcome your fear because it will lead to a much bigger problem if left untreated. One of the signs that you need to look out for can be found in your everyday routine – brushing your teeth. When you brush your teeth and it bleeds easily then you should consult your periodontist. Flossing and bleeding does not mix as this is a sign that your gums are not healthy.

Another red flag that should alert you about the health of your gums is physical appearance. Gums that are red and appeared to have receded should give you another reason to conquer your fear and seek out a gum treatment from your periodontist. Swollen and tender gums are sure signs that something is wrong as well.
You may rationalize that you brush at least 5 minutes every time you brush and that you floss daily but believe it or not there are places in your mouth that your brush can’t reach. Tartar and plaque are bound to form and only a dentist can take it out. So if you don’t want to aggravate your oral problem, seek out a periodontics specialist for your gum treatment before it becomes too late. It is always best to preserve your natural tooth but if it is beyond salvaging then a dental implant may be the solution to your problem.

The Right Candidate for a Dental Implant

The perfect smile is now within reach. People who have suffered losing a tooth or two and even more can now have their smile back without false teeth getting in the way. It has been a common scenario where a lot of false teeth users endure one of the most embarrassing moments of their lives because their ill fitting dentures feel off after a hearty laugh. Now, thanks to the advancing technology in periodontics, you can have a more secure set of teeth that looks real, feels real and sticks like the real tooth and this is what a dental implant is all about.

Imagine a screw secured safely in your jaw and around it is your tooth - that is generally what a dental implant looks like. As it is secured and implanted in your jaw, you don't have to worry about it falling off in the middle of a meal while conversing with somebody. A dental implant lasts for a long time and even for a lifetime if you take care of it and practice good oral hygiene. Most people can have a dental implant but there are those who will prove to be a challenging.
If you go to a periodontist for a gum treatment, you may want to explore your options right there and then. The periodontist can give you an honest assessment of the health of your gums and can give you the possible periodontics treatments that are possible for your situation. There are those who can go for a dental implant but there are those who will not be suited candidates as well. 
People who have brittle bones may not be a good candidate for an implant because the implant will be screwed directly to the jaw bone and brittle bones will not be able to secure it in place. A visit to the periodontist will give you the opportunity to know the status of your oral health, if the periodontist thinks that you may be a good candidate then he might want you to do a few lifestyle changes in preparation for your implant. Some of the things that you need to give up if you want your implant to stay for a long time is to cut back or totally stop smoking. Smoking restricts the blood flow and will not help you heal faster. Smokers, patients who suffer from diabetes or heart problems will need a more thorough evaluation.
A visit to your periodontist is the step towards the right direction so that your desire to have a great smile can come into fruition so go and have an appointment and get your confidence back by flashing a healthy and beautiful smile.

Reasons Why Gum Treatments Can't Work

If you have been suffering from gum diseases, there are possible reasons why you still can't get the healing that you need even if you have tried going to a periodontist already. Periodontics professionals will tell you that gum treatment can be easy and simple if you follow their instructions to the letter. It would help if you are honest with your periodontist about your lifestyle because there are reasons when an inflamed gum treatment like if you smoke or going through a medication process. These reasons can hamper the ability of the gum treatment plan because medications can clash with the treatment rendering it useless or less potent.

periodontal disease treatment

People who are diabetic will also have difficulties according to those who are practicing periodontics. Diabetics will have a lot of challenges when it comes to the healing process, so any infection be it in the gums or anywhere else in the body will be a hurdle for them. A dental implant may not be a good solution for most of them that is why prevention should always be the mantra of people suffering from diabetes.

Unfortunately, those who have AIDS or Cancer will have difficulties in fighting of gum diseases as well. One of the reasons for this difficulty is that their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the gum disease bacteria and a generic gum treatment may not work as it would with people suffering from these kinds of illnesses.

There are medications that will slow down or bar the healing process for those who are suffering from gum diseases. If you go to a periodontist for a dental implant or some treatment for your gums, make sure you tell the periodontist what medications you are taking and what other medical treatment you are going through at the moment. There is a possibility that your dental implant will not heal as it should or it may not be a good option for you at the moment because of your medications.

The bottom line is that when you are going for a gum treatment of any sort, make sure that you go to the periodontist with a list of what your medical history is especially the medications that you are taking so that he will know what kind of treatment is best for you. Honestly providing him with your health records, however embarrassing or humiliating it may be, will always work for your benefit.

Simple Prevention Against Gum Diseases

periodontist gum treatment by Singapore Dental Surgery
Inflamed gums should be a cause for alarm. Inflammation of your gums is a sign that you need to go to a periodontist to seek the right periodontal disease treatment. We have to realize that the mouth is one of the places in our bodies where germs abound and cause problems if not taken care of. Periodontal disease can be classified as mild by having an inflamed gum and if left untreated can go as far as causing you to lose your teeth. Once you lose your teeth then that is the end of it as it won’t grow back but the good news is that the field of periodontics have gone a long way since and there are treatments that can help you save your teeth and still enjoy a beautiful smile.  

Believe it or not, basic and simple oral hygiene goes a long way if you want to delay any periodontal disease treatment for as long as possible. The simplest way to prevent seeing a periodontist early is to brush and floss your teeth.  These two oral hygiene practices have been instilled to everybody since they were small kids and these practices will help you save your teeth and keep them attached to your gums longer. When we eat and don’t brush afterwards, the bacteria that are present will work overtime and will become the yellow sticky substance that we see on the surface of our teeth that we call Plaque. Plaque in the beginning is soft and creamy in consistency but it will harden and progress into the cement like substance called Tartar. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing or flossing that is why we need to visit a dentist at least two times a year to have it professionally removed.

Preventing plaque by brushing and flossing will go a long way so that you don’t have to see a periodontist for a periodontal disease treatment. Like in every aspect of life, prevention is always better than cure. If flossing and brushing one’s teeth can go a long way to prevent serious oral health deterioration, then these basic dental hygiene practices should be followed.

Periodontics is all about preventing, diagnosing and treating gum diseases and any periodontist will tell you that there are people who are at greater risk of getting periodontal diseases than others. People who are walking chimneys will get a much higher chance of going to a periodontist for a periodontal disease treatment because smoking can interfere in the ability of the body to heal itself. The chemicals that are present in cigarettes can restrict blood flow and circulation thus the body can’t get the nutrients it needs to function normally.

Before the gum disease worsens, it is best to always prevent it from happening by practicing good oral hygiene and by arresting the problem in its early stages. If your gums are inflamed then visit a periodontist before the problem worsens. At the very least, you will know what caused the inflammation and how you can stop it from happening again.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Taking Care of Your Gum's Health

Do your gums bleed easily when you try to brush or floss your teeth? Have you ever wondered why there are spaces between your teeth? Do your gums have purulent discharges oozing out for no apparent cause? Do you brush your teeth often but still have bad breath (halitosis)? Do your teeth appear like they’re about to fall off? If yes, then it’s time to have a closer look at these problems as these may be signs of a serious gum disease that is medically known as periodontitis and that you may be in need of a periodontal disease treatment.

Periodontitis is a result of the deterioration of gingivitis or inflammation of the gums when it is left untreated. So what causes this inflammation? As you all know, our oral cavity is inhabited by bacteria and these bacteria and other particles form ‘plaques’ with the mucus that are naturally secreted by the structures in our mouth in order to trap or filter dirt before entering our lungs. These so-called plaques solidify to form into ‘tartar’ or ‘calculus’ which is the yellowish substance that stains our teeth and don’t seem to come off despite vigorous brushing.

When these deep-seated plaques stay on our teeth for a considerable amount of time, they pose a big threat to our dental health for these cause inflammation of the gums or gingivitis. The gums that are affected by gingivitis are red, swollen and they bleed easily. However, gingivitis is only a mild form of gum disease and it can be treated with good dental hygiene. Progressive worsening of gingivitis will eventually lead to periodontitis. In this condition, the gums move away from the teeth and form ‘pockets’ where more plaques and bacteria are deposited. As a result of the invasion of bacteria in the underlying gum tissues, the bones and connective tissues that hold the teeth in place are broken down, thus the teeth become loose. If these symptoms are left untreated, it will take a longer periodontal disease treatment and sometimes it will be too late to save the affected tooth already.

Fortunately, there exists periodontics, which not only deals with the study of periodontal diseases, but with their treatment as well. Periodontics is a specialized dental practice and it also deals with periodontal disease treatment that can either be surgical or non-invasive. Surgical treatments are rare and are only done when non-surgical treatments are ineffective or don’t match with the severity and extent of the disease. Non-surgical periodontal disease treatment include professional dental cleaning as well as root scaling and planing wherein the plaques or calculus are taken away from the gum line and the teeth are smoothed out so that the gums can attach to the teeth with a cleaner surface. There are a variety of surgical treatments which will best suite the current condition of your gum disease.

Aside from the advantages that were previously mentioned when one undergoes perodiontal disease treatment there are other benefits as well. Periodontal disease treatments can help reduce the risk of respiratory cardiac diseases, poor pregnancy outcomes, and dementia. Furthermore, studies suggest that it can help in the management of diabetes. 

So even though you haven’t seen the manifestations of periodontal disease, it is still wise and cost-effective to visit your periodontist for early detection and treatment. Most periodontal diseases are detected only when signs and symptoms become apparent and severe enough to cause impairment in activities of daily living. Would you risk waiting before the disease becomes serious, or would you rather visit a periodontist and have a routine check-up? Detecting the problem at an early stage will save you money and your teeth as well.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Signs You Need Periodontal Disease Treatment

It is certain that at some point in our lives, we all have experienced dental problems that haunted us and made us nervous. It is safe to say that the fear of the dentist is a shared and universal feeling, and it might be traced to certain weaknesses or fears we had as kids. Of course, pulling out our milk teeth then was not a pleasant experience at all, and some bring such levels of trauma even as they grow older. 

One of the many causes of oral discomfort is gum problems. The reasons and presentations in every person vary. If for instance you have experience of your gums bleeding while you brush your teeth, it is a sign or a manifestation of a gum problem. Also, if there are instances when you feel like tasting blood in your saliva after you gargle, poor gums may be a reason to the odd taste. Moreover, if you have signs of abscess in your gums or halitosis, which is a medical term for bad breath, it might be best to have this seen, diagnosed and treated by a dental professional with specialization in periodontics. 

Any dental irregularities in the gums are what periodontists would classify as conditions that warrant periodontal disease treatment. The medical term may be discomforting and overwhelming to some, but with a specialist to treat you, you definitely should not worry any further. As it has been said, the reasons vary from one patient to another. Sometimes, the reason why there are reactions and irregular manifestations in the gums is because of poor oral health. What periodontists would do is to perform scaling, a dental treatment wherein tartar and other bacteria are removed from the surfaces of the tooth to the gums using a dental instrument or a specific laser device. Another treatment called root planning may also be performed wherein the root surfaces of the teeth are cleaned to eliminate another build up of tartar and other bacteria. Although these treatments may need continuity in the home wherein the patient has to make sure that he or she maintains positive oral hygiene, a prescription of antibiotics may also be put in order just to make sure that infection-causing bacteria are prevented. These antibiotics may be taken as oral medications or as topical applications. 

Aside from the non-surgical treatments and procedures, a periodontist may advise more serious treatment if the patient presents a need for it. These surgical periodontal treatments may help alleviate the problem altogether. These may include procedures such as flap surgery or pocket reduction surgery, soft tissue grafting, application of an enamel matrix derivative or a guided tissue regeneration. Whatever the dental specialist sees as fit, it will always still depend on the patient if he or she feels comfortable to proceed with the procedure or not. 

Achieving oral health is a responsibility that we should all pay great attention to. It is not every day that we are confronted with dental problems, but when it presents itself; make sure to do the necessary action. It may be a good idea to do a little research on your own, but being proactive should not stop there.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Where You Should Go When Having Gum Problems

It is sad to think about how the teeth or the oral health in general is left behind. More people are concerned towards how their skin looks like or how their new hair color looks like and not realizing how important it is to provide the same scrutiny, focus and care towards their teeth. If it seems like your daily teeth brushing is not enough because you can see some plaque buildup around your teeth, do not dismiss this fact as minor. Do not proceed with your daily tasks as if this is not a reason for you to make that trip to your dentist. Also sometimes, when you sense that your gums look swollen, it looks too red than the usual or if your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, you sometimes dismiss it like it is not a big deal. However, if you have recurring gum problems such as swollen gums or bleeding gums, then you might be confronting more than what you have imagined. For any gum problems that you may be having, it is best to have a dentist with a specialization in periodontics to see what is really going on. 


With a periodontist’s help, you will get the right gum treatment or treatments that you need in order to avert your gum situation. The cause of gum problems vary from one person to another and it is not entirely advisable to diagnose yourself by using the internet and doing self-medication. No matter how vital and indispensable the internet is, we almost always end up playing quack doctor on ourselves. 

A periodontist can diagnose you and advise you on a treatment plan to fix whatever is wrong with your gums. If it happens that you have weak gums and brittle bones, then a dental implant might be shortly in order especially if it seems like you are bound to lose some of your teeth. When dealing with problems no matter how minor it seems on the onset, it is best that you have this consulted right away to prevent the problem from ballooning to epic proportions.