Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Periodontist's Job: Patient Expectations and More

If you are currently having some gum problems, you might be dealing with a long-term situation without you noticing. Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? Do your gums bleed or appear to be swollen after a mouth wash? Do your gums react profusely by bleeding when you floss your teeth? If your answer is yes to all the questions, you have to think about it. You might dismiss it as you being momentarily harsh on your teeth, but if this is a recurring issue every time you brush or floss your teeth, you have to have it checked by a specialist with a reliable familiarity on periodontics.

A gum treatment varies from one case to another. Sometimes, the reason why your gums bleed is because of an overarching reason that you may not know is a pressing health issue that you should have addressed a long time ago. More often than not, patients with gum problems also face the peril of having cardiovascular diseases, respiratory ailments, problems when giving birth for women and possessing a slow healing process when treating wounds. Some would even link gum problems to health problems concerning the blood. All these can be possibly connected to gum problems, and without the right intervention, you might end up with a worse situation. 

Especially if you let this progress in a span of months or years, you might lose some of your teeth since your weak gums pose a weak structure for your teeth to hold on to. It may cause your teeth to be shaky, and in the long run, you lose a tooth or your teeth. Additional dental treatments such as a dental implant may have to be done by your dentist, and dental implants are no easy treatments. These dental procedures cost a lot of time and energy.
It truly pays well to address any problems with your oral health no matter how minor it may seem in the beginning. For always, a swollen gum, abscess in the gums or noticeably bad breath are not normal everyday signs of sound dental health. Have it checked before the situation grows worse.  As they all say, it is best to be safe than sorry.

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